You will probably want to find out more about the prices on the market before making any major purchase. Potential prospective real estate buyers, who are often faced with the largest investment of their life, spend a lot of time and effort to find out about the market prices for their dream property. It is therefore crucial for the success of your sales process that you have the value of your property precisely determined. Only with a fair, seriously calculated sales price can you directly address the customers who are ready to buy your property. As an experienced broker, we have the necessary technical expertise to put your property valuation on a solid foundation.
The aim and purpose of property valuation is to determine the current market value of a property. This is the monetary value for which your property currently stands, taking into account supply and demand. This market value also forms the essential basis for determining the offer price with which you start the sales process. From our many years of activity in the area, we know that it is advisable to adjust the sales price realistically.