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Free & non-binding sales appraisal

What is my property worth? How is the value calculated?

The determination of the sales price of your property in line with the market is based on qualified and current comparative properties. The decisive factor for comparability is sufficient agreement with regard to the year of construction, the size and furnishings of the property, as well as the location and the surrounding area. Characteristics of the property that influence the value are taken into account with the help of factors and deviating points in time of the value determination are corrected by the property index. The comparative value method is one of the basic methods of the Valuation Ordinance and is used by official appraisers and experts.

Which factors are taken into account in the assessment?

Location of your property Price developmentDistance to schools, doctors, etc.Traffic connectionsCulture optionsNoise nuisanceWith the location criterion, a distinction must be made between macro and micro location. The region, the city and the district in question are considered to be the macro-location. The micro-location describes the direct neighborhood of a property. There are also hard and soft evaluation criteria.
Condition of your property Year of constructionBuilding structurePipesRenovation conditionEnergy efficiency When it comes to the condition of a property, the roof, the windows and the facade are of particular importance. Extensive investments - for example in modernizing a bathroom, laying high-quality floors or installing a new heating system, etc.
Equipment of your property Size balcony, terrace, garden Floor coveringHeating (Smart) technology The equipment of a property includes the size and furnishing of the bathroom or built-in materials such as the floor covering. The following applies: the more sophisticated the equipment, the greater the value of the property. This is how a fireplace or underfloor heating influence the price.
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